Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So, I ditched my attempt at NaNoWriMo once again. I think I got to about 12,000 words before I backed out entirely. That's twice as well as I did two years ago. I figure another 16 years or so, and I might just be able to finish. This is the busy season at work, and by the time I get home, I just don't feel like doing anything creative. C'est la vie.

However, I am working on developing a project that will begin next year. I'm planning on starting a different blog that relates entirely to the Little Rock Planning Department, and issues related to zoning, planning, and land usage in and around Little Rock. The plan (partially) is to include overviews of proposed zoning changes, effects of increased land usage, observations on trends with building permits and such, and every so often a more scholarly look at zoning, hopefully with primary source interviews.

I'm drafting out the architecture on paper. And I have to do some research related to finding out when Planning Commission meetings take place and procedural and parliamentary rules, specifically for Little Rock. I may even attend a meeting or two or three. I've been to them in the past, and you'd be amazed at how riled up people get in relation to zoning.

So, there you have it. I'm planning on starting this at the beginning of next year, since Little Rock's fiscal year starts in January. Makes for an even-footing in relation to reporting.

Ideas are welcome on how I can make this very didactic topic more accessible for the mainstream public.

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