Monday, October 26, 2009

Football and Friends, or as I prefer, Pigs and People

This week, I had the exciting pleasure of reliving old days, both from high school and college.

Friday night, my manager graciously allowed me to leave work a few hours early to attend a high school football game as played by my alma mater against Pulaski-Robinson. One of the advantages of living away from Magnolia is you are closer for the away games. It's quite a different experience watching the football games from somewhere other than the band. For one thing, I noticed that some parents were very vocal about certain 'bad' calls by the referees. I noticed at one point that my high school principal walked over to one of the overly (and obnoxious) parents to remind him that it's a high school game and that lives weren't dependent on the outcome. After all, they're just kids.

My cousin is also in the high school band this year (I think he was last year too). I didn't tell him that I would be there, which gave him a little shock when he saw me sitting in the stands at 3rd quater. I told him to go play with his friends and get some food. I'm sure the last thing he wanted was to talk to some old guy. That and I don't really have much in common with that side of the family. For one, they're infinitely more active in their Christianity than I ever was when I professed to be Christian. I don't know what they'd think of me being a Buddhist. Probably better to not let them find out. I don't think they read my blog. To many Bible verses to study. Obviously, I'm joking (in case they are reading :D).

Saturday, again, my manager was kind enough to let me work half a shift in order to attend a wedding, after which I headed to UCA to be a part of the tailgating experience (which is vastly different than from when I was a student), the game, and post-game activities.

For one, I'm an alumni of the UCA Band, which was a lot different five years ago than it is now (I'm not five years out of college, but I am five years out of band). For one, the band was a lot more laid back. They're very uptight now. It's too high strung for me. I never would've made it in the BMB (Bear Marching Band, as it is called now). For a fleeting instance, however, I considered playing in the Alumni Band, which always accompanies the standing band in time of Homecoming (military allusions FTW). I chose not to, however, preferring to bond with people I hadn't seen in nearly five years. I think it's awesome that I have friendships with people in which I can pick up conversations we never finished as if we were only talking just yesterday.

The other component of the evening was the Homecoming ceremonies with Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, the band fraternities, of which I was once a member of Kappa Kappa Psi. I enjoyed the time that I was in the Fraternity. I don't miss it like some. I'm not nostalgic for 'the old days' of cameraderie and servile works. I do appreciate, though, the direction the UCA chapter has taken away from the "Frat boy" mentality and more towards a focus on the band and the social experience surrounding band and band members. The chapter wasn't really all that focused on band when I was active (at least not as much as I thought it should be), but it does seem so now. It's a privilege merely to be associated with an organization like what it is today.

But referencing earlier in the post about seeing old friends....there's also a kind of dichotomy to these meetings: On the one hand, you talk to them as if nothing has changed. On the other hand, you catch up on what's new and interesting in each others' lives. This is one thing I appreciate about everyone I consider my friends: They don't treat me any differently as the years pass, and neither do they expect different treatment. Marriages and kids and jobs and money don't change my friends. I guess I'm good at picking them. :)

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