Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Prizes for Peace

Turns out that Obama won the Nobel Peace Price. Impressive.

I'll go out on a limb and make a prediction: Instead of reporting this and covering this news, conservative media outlets will no doubt turn their attention to healthcare and will actually try to be a part of the debate to avoid talking about the fact that Obama won the prize. No doubt they would come across as accusing him of 'affirmative action' anyway.

BTW, this puts Obama in the same ranks as Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson who both won the prize while in office. Jimmy Carter won a few years back, but he hadn't been President in 30 years or so. Woodrow Wilson was also a blatant racist. He segregated the Navy when it previously hadn't been. He was a real nasty piece of work.

I'm sure the Conservative media outlets will be happy to point out that WW was a racist as proof that the Nobel Prize is corrupt.

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